Monday, February 21, 2011

Mucus Tinged With Blood Just Before Period

Trithrinax acanthocoma

The genus name derives from the greek and significant triple (tri- ) range ( Thrinax ) and refers to the fan-shaped tridentate having the chalice, the corolla and the end of the ovary. According to other authors would have instead applied to the leaves, palmate, with apex bifid segments, which form a fan on the range.

This species is native to Brazil and Argentina. It was introduced in Europe for ornamental purposes and to study in the second half of the nineteenth century.
This is a unique palm trees, rarely pollonante, from 6 to 10 m high, with trunk 20-30 cm diameter, covered by sheaths of fallen leaves that are woven into a lattice of coarse fibers grayish; the top between the sheaths also develop strong bones, long up to 15 cm, with a protective function.
The leaves are palmate, with blade almost circular, dark green, more or less covered with whitish squamette top and glaucous underneath. The stalk has no thorns and is about how long the blade which measures 50-80 cm, and this is divided into thirty segments fused together at the base and bifid apex.
The inflorescences, which measure about 40 cm, are wrapped at the base by some Spathes plump and smooth and have the appearance of a dense branched raceme in 3 orders.
The fruits are spherical, 1-2 cm in diameter, clear, yellowish when ripe, fleshy and edible, although rather sour.


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