Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Syphilis Chancre Vs. Ingrown Hair

should fail to learn the truth

Rating: Yellow
Genre: Romance, Sentimental
Characters: Isabella Swan, Edward Cullen
Note: AU

Plot: Bella lives in Phoenix since she was born and his life revolves around his six best friends: Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, Edward and Jacob. They have known since they were children, but growing things change and she is alone with Jacob and Edward are hyper protective of him. One day it happens that Jacob is declared and then asks her to marry him. She agrees, but he really loves? Yes, of course, but its not love, at least not the real one. And Edward? What will you do at this point? And if you noticed now that is going to lose the most important person in your life? And if she were considering Only his best friend? And if it were not so? Their friendship is just? Yes, of course, but not quite. What will happen then? Bella will marry Jacob? Perhaps only one mistake you can discover the truth. But what is truth? If I run just a bit intrigued to read my story.

The author is adry91 .
His story can be found here .


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