Rating: Red
Genre: Romance, Dark , Erotic.
Characters: Edward Cullen, Isabella Swan
Note: Not for sensitive stomachs, OOC
Plot: Only clouds covered the sky of a late eighteenth-century London , during which they were born telling stories of darkness and death.
beings dedicated to the pleasure of the blood.
Some people do not believe in these legends, but if any of these people suddenly find themselves living with the prince of vampires?
[...]« People, all people, looking for the same reason why they came to the world.
The reason to live.
Some go away not knowing why they lived, they go away thinking this was the purpose of my useless life?
Even though I was only seventeen, I could claim to be able to find the meaning of my existence: I lay beside her and gently stroked my arms, as if the wind on my skin.
Past, Present and Future, bore his name. I was born for him alone "
contract from 30 th chapter-
From Wuthering Heights : OOC , set in London late eighteenth century , with a beautiful and sweet and sensual Edward dark and deadly vampire. I love this story from the beginning, one can not read it!
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