Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rcfrequency On Nilesat

War of Cullen

Rating: Orange;
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Characters: A little 'all;

Plot: This story has nothing to do with the Twilight trilogy. Meyer's I gave Bella and the Cullens. I broke ties of kinship to build new ones. I manipulated the personality of each character. In short, I made a mess! Here is Bella a blatant and brazen, a mischievous and vindictive Edward, Emmet launched a thousand, Carlisle on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Alice and Esme human, a brief appearance in the flock of the Push, Rose who is now just a name and Jasper. ... well he's usually the Jasper! In short, all this mess to describe the war of Cullen, irreverent story, which will be the setting, of course, immortal love that we all now know! The author is

piper__73 .
His story can be found here .


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